Health and Nutrition MD
Health, nutrition, healthy lifestyle and prevention of disease
Site Navigation
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Glycemic Index
Diets and Lifestyle
The Atkins Diet
The Paleo diet
The South Beach Diet
Medical Conditions
Alzheimer´s disease
High blood pressure (hypertension)
Statins for healthy people - yes or no?
The War of the Diets
The case against saturated fat
Sudden death in young athletes
"Rice" and shine
What causes heart disease?
How many eggs should I eat?
Do you want to avoid burnout at work? Then start exercising!
Do you prefer aisle or window?
Women may be getting worse treatment for heart attack than men
Carbohydrates, training and carbohydrate loading
Brain plaques tied to Alzheimer's rapidly cleared in mice
Dementia and Alzheimer´s. Can it be prevented?
Smoking and dementia
Diet soda linked to heart attack and stroke
Regular intake of vitamins and minerals may prevent colon cancer
"Should I try Atkins?"
Good carbs, bad carbs. What's the difference?
Diets and Lifestyle
Medical Conditions
Health and Nutrition MD
© Axel F Sigurdsson 2012
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